Recreational trails provide unique exercise opportunities and transportation routes, preserve critical open space, create natural corridors for wildlife, and enhance the communities through which they pass. By preserving the Brodhead, Pocono, and McMichael creek greenways include open space and a planned regional network of trails, the Stroud Region presents an extraordinary park system for generations to enjoy! No matter what the season, everyone can find a special place here. Whether experiencing the beauty of the summer wildflowers, marveling at nature's awesome beauty in the fall, hearing the new-fallen snow crunching underfoot in the winter or listening to the chirping of delighted birds in the spring... our regional trails are a cherished community asset! The goal of the Stroud Greenway is Connecting Neighborhoods to Nature.
The Friends of SROSRC runs multiple fundraisers throughout the year, such as the Levee Loop Trail Race. Funds raised and donated go toward closing trail gaps and making active transport (walking, running, biking) easier in the Stroud area! For more info, check out the documents linked below:

The following projects are in the process of fundraising and configuration. If you would like to assist with your volunteer time, advice or donations, please contact us.
Dog Park
Glen to Glen Trail
The following is a list of projects that have been completed by our partnering municipalities; school districts; our staff & volunteers; other organizations; and/or our community members with the goal of bettering public parks and trail systems in the Stroud Area.
Kiwanis Club of the Stroudsburgs funds accessible swing sets and merry-go-rounds, which have now been installed in six parks: Amhurst, Creekview, Dansbury, Moore, Stroudsburg Borough, and Zacharias Pond Parks.
Stroud Township revitalizes Levee Loop Trail between Creekview Park and Stokes Mill Road, allowing for easier access and less overgrowth.
2021 - present:
Pollinator Trail at ESSA Bank property in Stroudsburg: Funded by Friends of SROSRC in part thanks to Levee Loop Trail Race funds raised.
One for Nature Grant funds signs for all parks that welcome visitors, assist in wayfinding and post rules. Signs designed, printed and installed.
2020 Eastern Monroe County Active Transport Plan released.
2019 Stroud Region Trail Gap Analysis completed.
2019 Accessible swing sets installed in Dansbury and Albertson Parks.
Pocono Creek Pedestrian Bridge opens, connecting neighborhood across from Hughes Library to Stroudsburg High School for pedestrians.
Stroudsburg Little League, Stroud Township and ESU partner to construct ESSA & Hughes Field Complex at Creekview Park.
East Stroudsburg School District and SROSRC partner and renovate Zacharias Pond Park's softball field.
2015-2016 Gregory's Pond Trail Network Built.
2013-2014 Bike to Nature Route created.
Connecting Stroudsburg to the Cherry Valley area along roadways. Signage posted and brochures printed. Brochures available at Community Center.
2013 Stroud Township acquires Forevergreen Nature Preserve, formerly a golf course.
Brodhead Creek Heritage Center is built on the site to house PHLT and BWA. The property is maintained to allow for natural meadows, ponds and forests, as well as recreational walking, running, hiking bird watching, etc.
2013 Glen to Glen Trail Feasibility Study released.
Attempts to determine whether a “through” trail alignment is feasible between the Glenbrook Country Club in Stroud Township and Glen Park in the Borough of Stroudsburg.
2010 Dansbury Park's Levee Loop Trailhead opened.
Including an access road, parking, concrete stairs and paved ADA-compliant ramps to the top of the levee, bike racks, shade trees, and information kiosk, and a scenic vista of the park and the Brodhead Creek corridor.
2008 Terra Greens and Glen Brook Regional Parks Master Site Plan released.
The study explored the potential to improve and expand recreational facilities at two existing golf courses and the potential linkages to municipal lands surrounding them, with the goal of developing recreation opportunities to enhance and preserve the Stroud Region open space.
2006 Stroud Township builds Yetter Park Golf Course.
2005 Levee Loop Trail Master Plan released.
The Levee Loop Trail project encircles a segment of the Brodhead and McMichael Creeks and extends through the densely developed sections of Stroudsburg, East Stroudsburg, and Stroud Township. The proposed Trail follows the top of the levee on both sides of the Brodhead Creek from Glen Park to the Stroudsburg Municipal Authority, connecting several regional parks with approximately ten miles of trails.
2004 East Stroudsburg Borough renovates Dansbury Park Pool.
2003 Stroud Region Open Space and Recreation Commission is officially founded.
2002 Stroud Region Open Space and Recreation Plan released.
In a cooperative agreement, the municipalities of Stroudsburg, East Stroudsburg, and Stroud Township defined their collective needs, goals, and ideas for open space and recreation. The resultant study is a now planning tool for guiding future land preservation, focusing government, and community resources, meeting park and recreation needs, and initiating practical strategies important to each community and the Stroud Region as a whole.
2002 Brodhead, McMichael, and Pocono Creeks Greenways Plans released.
The Brodhead, McMichael, and Pocono Creeks Greenways Plan documents and analyzes existing conditions within the creek corridors. Building upon an understanding of current greenway features and desired use of the greenway system, options for its enhancement and development were identified. The detailed implementation plan outlines a step-by-step process for successful completion of the study’s recommendations.
2001 Monroe County Open Space Plan released.
The adoption of the comprehensive Monroe 2020 Plan in 1999 and its subsequent passage of the open space bond referendum were two major milestones that helped establish the framework for protecting, conserving, and enhancing Monroe County’s open space.
2000 Godfrey Ridge Greenway Feasibility Study released.
This feasibility study evaluates the potential for establishing a greenway corridor and trail along the south side of the Brodhead Creek, roughly paralleling the route of the historic Stroudsburg to Water Gap Trolley line.
2000 Flagler Run Greenway Feasibility Study released.
This feasibility study evaluates the potential for establishing a greenway corridor and trail along Flagler Run from Big Pines Park, through the Stroudsburg Area School District property on Chipperfield Rd., and to the Stroud Mall. It also includes a site development plan for Big Pines Park.

Greenways & Parks Stewardship (GPS)
Go to our Volunteer Page for information on meetings as well as information on the Skate Park, Pickleball and Dog Park projects.
Members of the Greenways & Parks Stewardship (GPS) Committee help to make parks and trails accessible and safe to our community, now and in the future. The GPS Committee provides support for the management of open space areas, park lands, and trails owned by the member municipalities of SROSRC, with a primary focus on the development, maintenance, and upkeep of trails in the regional greenway system.
Coordinates with municipal maintenance teams and Park Patrol;
Advocates for park and trail creation and stewardship, using regional plans as guides for future implementation;
Constructs and maintains trails and wayfinding structures;
Monitors conditions on managed lands;
Increases public awareness of and appreciation for open space, parks, and trails, as well as the benefits of land conservation and the protection of natural habitats and resources.